November 2022 Newsletter Now Available!
November 30, 20222021 Newsletter Archive
January 31, 2023The December 2022 OVLR Newsletter has now been sent to all current members by email. Contact us if you have not received your copy. Non-Members can get access by joining today or downloadable copies are available in our online shop for $5
In this month’s issue we have:
- OVLR News - A selection of news items submitted by various people, or culled from various sources.
- A report on the Christmas Party, a rather successful seasonal gathering;
- An event report from the annual Guy Fawkes rally in upstate New York, popular with some OVLR folks
- An update from ANARC. This time some excerpts from the Event FAQ to help people.
- A regular injection of news from the Sebasticook Millennium Green and Winter Romp preparations;
- An event report on the JLRNA Destination Defender event in the Hudson Valley north of New York City;
- Alan Richer writes on the challenges of changing Rover V8 injector seals.
- Andrew Finlayson writes on some repairs to a badly mangled rear box on Wallace, his 86 inch;
- Land Rover Stamps continues with the conclusion on Land Rover fire appliances on stamps. There are quite a few, which shows the popularity of the Series & Defenders as a useful platforms for others to leverage;
- Andrew Hill writes in Land-Rover Toys on the Corgi gift set 19. There is more than one variety, if you want one of each for completeness;
- The latest collection of known Series Land-Rovers for sale in Canada and a few from the United States. A few less than average this month.
- A supplement with an index to articles published over the past couple of years